Contoh Berita Banjir Dalam Bahasa Inggris
contoh wawancara berita tentang banjir dalam bahasa inggris
1. contoh wawancara berita tentang banjir dalam bahasa inggris
Below is an example of a resource which is an interview with victims of flash floods.
Good morning Ma'am, I'm from Indonesia daily newspaper. Can ask for the time we interviewed briefly to?
good morning, Happily, please sir!
interviewer: I join in grief over the disaster that befell mother's hometown. Can a Mother tells how the chronology of the occurrence of the deluge this?
this disaster started with heavy rain coming down continuously for 3 days lately. Then the deluge came at night, approximately 20. 00 pm EST. That time water enters the village at eye level. However, after that the water continues to rise very quickly. We must save themselves and not even had time to save goods valuables at home. Lucky for me and my family when it has reached the high water has swept most of the houses.
So the water came up very big ?
really great Mas. Could even drag cars – car and home communities that aren't permanent until the downstream.
Thus, whether there is any casualties caused by this disaster?
I am less so clearly Mas, based on the announcement that I have acquired in the meantime, 100 victims found dead, around 350 people are still missing, and the remaining 500 people cuts – cuts and accommodated in evacuation.
is it already done the search action for victims of missing ?
Already Mas, about an INDONESIAN battalion assisted with the SAR Team and residents have scoured riverbanks since earlier today.
And Then, how much harm the mother and natural family due to Flash flood?
I appraiser loss I experienced approximately amounting to 15 million. But despite that, I am still grateful because my family could survive this disaster. There are my neighbors who lost relatives.
Whether there is already a real action from the Government about this disaster?
God bless you the Government's quick response in addressing this issue. They have provided a shelter made of us.
according to Mother whether a shelter is already viable and how his Ministry ?
when it says it's been worth anything yet, it's been quite adequate. It's just still lacks some of the amenities such as the sanitary facility, and beds. Currently a tent occupied by 5 to 7 head of family, resulting in less spacious. His Ministry is good enough, we get the treatment and food 3 times a day. It was all done by the Indonesian armed forces and volunteers who help.
I appraiser loss I experienced approximately amounting to 15 million. But despite that, I am still grateful because my family could survive this disaster. There are my neighbors who lost relatives.
Whether there is already a real action from the Government about this disaster?
God bless you the Government's quick response in addressing this issue. They have provided a shelter made of us.
What does the Government expect from Mother ?
we need help in the form of Staples, clothes, medications – drugs, and blankets. Therefore, I expect the assistance and a helping hand from the Government and volunteers.
Well thank you Mother for your time and information. Hopefully this disaster could be resolved soon.
You're welcome.
maaf kalau salah dan semoga membantu :)
2. contoh wawancara berita tentang banjir dalam bahasa inggris
Reporter : Apa yang dimaksud dengan banjir?
Narasumber : Meluapnya air yang telah melebihi batas normal dari kapasitas penampungan air
Reporter : Apa penyebab banjir?
Narasumber : banyaknya sampah, hutan gundul, intensitas air hujan tinggi, penghijauan yang kurang terawat, saluran air yang banyak dialih gunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai bangunan, sehingga membuat tersendatnya aliran air
Reporter : Bagaimana cara menanggulangi banjir tersebut?
Narasumber : Membuang sampah pada tempatnya, membuat serapan air, atau penghijauan, sehingga
Air hujan dapat langsung menyerap ke tanah, melakukan pelebaran kali atau sungai supaya air hujan bias mengalir dengan lancar
Reporter : Siapakah yang bertanggung jawab atas kejadian banjir?
Narasumber : semua lapisan masyarakat baik yang disekitar wilayah banjir, atau yang diluar wilayah banjir.
Reporter: What is a flood?
Source: The overflowing water has exceeded the normal limits of water storage capacity
Reporter: What are the causes of flooding?
Source: garbage, deforestation, high-intensity rainfall, greening the less maintained, drains were many converted to use by the community as a building, thus making the water flow delays
Reporter: How do I cope with the flood?
Source: Disposing of waste in place, making the absorption of water, or greening, so
Rainwater can be directly absorbed into the ground, do dilation times or river so that rain water flows smoothly bias
Reporter: Who is responsible for the occurrence of flooding?
Source: all walks of life both around the flood area, or outside the flood area.
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