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Pesan Buku Online K13

Pesan Buku Online K13

saya mau masuk ruang guru tetapi buku paket saya k13 revisi 2016, Lks saya k13 jadi saya harus pilih yang k13 atau k13 revisi??

1. saya mau masuk ruang guru tetapi buku paket saya k13 revisi 2016, Lks saya k13 jadi saya harus pilih yang k13 atau k13 revisi??

k13 inti isinya sama semua kok kak:)
jadi mendingan dipake semua aja.hhe itu kalo menurut saya:)




mental diri kita(kemah)

3. buku IPA hal 38 buku k13 kelas 7

2. padi dimakan tikus,tikus dimakan ular,ular dimakan elang,elang diuraikan oleh bakteri
konsumen= I.tikus

3.fitoplankton dimakan zooplankton,zooplankton dimakan ikan badut,ikan badut dimakan ikan hiu,ikan hiu diuraikan oleh bakteri
II.ikan badut
III.ikan hiu

4. rumput dimakan rusa,rusa dimakan ular,ular dimakan elang,elang diuraikan oleh jamur

selamat belajar ;)

Rantai Makanan:
Padi-Belalang-Burung kecil-Ular
Bentuk Interaksi:
Produsen-Konsumen 1- Konsumen 2- Konsumen 3- Jamur
Produsen= Padi
Konsumen 1 2 3 = belalang,burung,ular
Pengurai= Jamur

4. Buku paket b.inggris K13 hal 43

1. You Can't Make More Time

You can always find a way to make more money. Although it's not something we want to do, we have the option to sell possessions, work an extra shift, pick up some freelance work, or maybe even win a few bucks on a scratch ticket. But there are no chances for you to create more time. You can't add an extra hour to the day. You can't give yourself 20 extra years on this planet by investing in the "time market." Time is finite for us, as individuals. We may have 85 years to live and thrive, or we may only get 30. This is worth remembering when you are spending more time making money than you are with friends and family. Those times are precious, and fleeting. Money? There's always more of that.

2. You Can Do More With a Day Off Than With a Day's Pay

Everyone earns different amounts, but a day's pay to a rich person or a poor person is still the same, relative to his or her situation. Whether it can buy you a new Xbox or a new Ferrari, the point is that a day's pay is finite. You will be given a set amount of money that can buy a limited number of items.

But with a day off work, the world is your oyster. Well, maybe not traveling to Tahiti or scaling Mount Everest, but you really can explore all sorts of adventures that you could not do while at work. Maybe you take that time to paint that picture you've always wanted to, or begin writing a new book. You can meditate, and find some of that inner peace you've been looking for. At the end of the day, a "thing" that costs money will never compete with an experience that broadens the mind, or simply makes you happy.

3. Time Creates More Memories Than Money

Think back to the best moments in your life so far. How many of them are based on money, and how many are based on time spent with friends and family? Very rarely do we sit back and think, Oh man, the day I got that new pair of shoes was awesome! Our most treasured memories come from time spent with the people we love, and in places we adore. Yes, it certainly does take a little money to travel. Luxurious vacations are definitely something we need money for, but we also treasure those times we walked hand-in-hand with a loved one in the park, or sang karaoke with friends at a local bar. Time gives us those memories we can look back on and laugh, or cry. And while money may help, it's never the main focus.

5. apa yang telah dipelajari chapter 1 buku kelas 9 K13​


- Memahami Cara mengucapkan selamat kepada orang lain

- Mengetahui Cara membuat soal tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan mengucapkan selamat

maaf kalau salah

6. Buku paket b.indonesia kls 8 k13 hal 167

Bagian A


Pengarang:Achdiat K.Mihardja

Penerbit:Balai Pustaka

Tahun terbit:1949 (cetakan pertama)

Tebal halaman:232 halaman

B. Atheis merupakan salah satu novel terbaik yang memperoleh hadiah tahunan pemerintah RI tahun 1969

C. Novel ini menceritakan perjalanan tokoh Hasan.Dari kecil ia di didik menjadi anak yang shaleh.

D. Bahwa analisis yang ada di novel Atheis terdapat pada amanat

E. Kelebihan:bahasa novel ini mengalir lancar dan mudah di pahami

Kekurangan:novel ini berisi tentang tidak terlalu meyakini keberadaan tuhan

Bagian B

1. E. Evaluasi

2. D. Analisis

3. B. Orientasi

4. A. Identitas

5. C. Sinopsis

7. jika buku k13 hilang,lalu solusinya bagaimana? tolong dijawab secara jelas!

fotocopy punya teman atau membeli buku baru yang sama persis sebagai gantinya
ya cara nya donlowd di internet lalu di simpan di berkas klo ngak di prin.

8. Please... Ini buku K13 halaman 20 !

a. 4^9
b. (-7)^5
c. 4(-2,5)^7
d. 5^6
e. 5^2 x 2^8 / 5^8 = 2^8 / 5^6

b. b^4 x 2y^9
c. 3m^7n^4
d. 4t^7 x n^12
e. 30x^9y^10

a. 3^10 x 2 = 118098
b. 54
c. 3.05 x 10^-5
d. 2^9 = 512

a. 2^6 x 2^6 = 2^12
c. 3^6
d. (-5)^9

a. 2^6
b. 2^2 x 5
c. 2^2 x 5^2
d. 2^7 / 3

a. 3^x^2 = 3^4
x^2 = 4
x = 2 atau -2 
b. 2^-6 x 2^2x x 2^x = 2^6
2^(3x) = 2^12
3x = 12
x = 4

9. Cari buku k13 pelajaran seni budaya halaman4.

cari aja di internet atau warnet

10. No. 76 Buku Mandiri K13 Hal 144

aku kasih caranya aja ya..


nnt ketemu x

hasil nya x 49

trus 180°=y+42°+2x+7


nnt y nya ketemu

trus x + y

11. Buku bahasa Indonesia k13 halaman 106


saya tidak tau


kan blm tau soalnya:v

12. No. 74 Buku Mandiri K13 Hal 144

Jawabannya A
Maaf kalo salah ya :))

13. apa yang telah dipelajari chapter 1 buku kelas 9 K13

materinya tentang ucapan selamat (CONGRATULATIONS)

14. Apakah buku diatas k13 revisiTolong di bantu nya

buku k13
dan buku ktsp

15. Perbedaan buku antara KTSP dan K13 apa ya?

Kurikulumnya berbeda ajaran yang ada di dalamnya juga berbeda karena kisi-kisi kurikulumnya tidak sama. KTSP lebih ke teori, kalau K13 lebih mengajak siswa untuk berfikir bersama secara berkelompok.
KTSP memiliki satu buku dalam satu pelajaran. Sementara K13 satu buku terdiri dari beberapa pelajaran yang dikaitkan.

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